
RevHydro project comprises 4 objectives, aims to revolutionize hydraulic turbines by addressing these issues.

SO1: Understand and quantify the limitations of outdated turbines in term of efficiency and resilience (WP1, WP2)

A comprehensive modelling work of the flow in a specified turbine model will be performed across various operating conditions ranging from DPL to FL. This modelling effort is essential to understand and quantify in detail the flow phenomena limiting actual turbines in term of efficiency and resilience.

SO2: Novel technologies improving techno-economic efficiency and equipment resilience of existing hydropower (WP1, WP2)

Here you will find answers to the most common questions about the RevHydro project Two novel technologies will be developed to harness the flow in outdated hydraulic turbine based on the knowledge gained with SO1: polymer extensions to be glued in the turbine and guide vanes to be installed in the draft tube.

SO3: Novel technology guiding fishes away from turbine inlet to positively affect biodiversity (WP3)

An intelligent behavioural fish barrier (I-Fish), using machine learning, will be developed to guide fish away from the turbine inlet and towards a safe passage. The I-Fish will consist of three components: a bubble curtain generator, an acoustic source, and a strobe light sources.

SO4: Integrate circular economy principles in our design (WP4)

By infusing circular economy principles into hydropower turbine refurbishment, we aim to innovate equipment that boosts efficiency and resilience of hydropower systems, while cutting costs and upholding environmental, water quality, and biodiversity standards.

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